Select Label IQ Service:*

  • USDA Label Audit

    USDA Label Audit

    Inspired by USDA's error comment system and informed by our extensive labeling expertise and proprietary technology, receive an analysis of your label and required USDA approval path within 3 days.
    * USDA Label Audit Certificate & Report

    Pricing starts at $99, depending on Audit Level selected.

  • Bioengineered (BE) Labeling Assessment

    Bioengineered (BE) Labeling Assessment

    Find out whether your product is subject to the new U.S. Bioengineered labeling law, check over 1,000 bioengineered derived ingredient triggers, and understand compliance next steps. Get a certificate that fulfills BE record keeping requirements within 3 days.
    * Certificate of Ingredient Analysis
    * Certificate of BE Exemption

    Pricing is $30 per Certificate.

  • Nutrition Facts Panel Report

    Nutrition Facts Panel Report

    Get a report on a Nutrition Facts Panel that ensures you comply with over 1,300 regulatory data points (on panel type, servings, content, proofing, and graphics) within 3 days.
    * Nutrition Facts Panel Report

    Pricing starts at $50, depending on the type of Nutrition Facts Panel selected.

Product Information:

    Complete Your Order:

    I confirm that my submission is final and the information submitted is complete and accurate.

    Prime Label services are specific to the information supplied by the Client and accuracy of the data is solely the responsibility of the Client. Financial liability for any errors made by Prime Label Consultants is limited to the cost of services rendered.

    Prime Label Consultants will respect the confidentiality and sensitivity of the information submitted. If necessary, you may download an NDA here and return it to [email protected]. We will countersign it and return it to you.


    RegFox Event Registration Software